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How to make epic Cold Brew this Summer

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Making your own refreshing Cold Brew Coffee is easier than you might think. Follow the recipie below and test out your brewing skills!

You'll need -

  • Coarsely ground Summer Blend coffee beans
  • Cold water (filtered if you can)
  • A large jar or container
  • A fine mesh sieve or coffee filter
  • Muslin cloth (optional)
  • A stirring utensil
  • Time (12-24 hours)
  • Optional: sweeteners, milk, or flavourings


  1. Coffee-to-Water Ratio: Start with a coffee-to-water ratio of about 1:4 or 1:5. For example, if you're using 1 cup of coarsely ground coffee, you'll need 4-5 cups of cold, filtered water.
  2. Combine Coffee and Water: In your large jar or container, combine the coarsely ground coffee and cold water. Stir well to ensure all the coffee grounds are saturated.
  3. Brew Time: Cover the container and let it steep at room temperature for an extended period, typically 12-24 hours. The longer you steep, the stronger the brew will be. You can experiment with the steeping time to find your preferred strength.
  4. Straining: After steeping, strain the coffee to remove the grounds. You can use a fine mesh sieve, a coffee filter, or muslin cloth to strain the liquid. Strain the coffee into a clean container or directly into a glass if you're making a single serve.
  5. Serve: To serve, dilute the cold brew concentrate with water or milk, depending on your taste preference. A common dilution ratio is 1 part cold brew concentrate to 2-3 parts water or milk, but you can adjust it to suit your taste.
  6. Add Sweeteners or milk: Customize your cold brew with sweeteners like sugar, or a dash of your preferred milk.
  7. Serve Over Ice: Cold brew coffee is typically served over ice. You can also garnish it with citrus wedges, herbs, or spices for added flavour.

Enjoy: Sit back and absorb some summer goodness with your homemade cold brew coffee!

Remember that cold brew coffee is highly concentrated, so you may need to experiment with the dilution ratio to find the perfect strength for your taste. Additionally, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days, making it a convenient option for a refreshing summer pick-me-up.


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